Invisalign Chewies: What are they and how do I use them?

- October 04, 2019

Invisalign chewies are a soft chewing device the size of a cotton roll that can be used by patients treated with Invisalign.

It is a small cylinder made of a soft spongy plastic like material called Styrene Copolymer. The function of the Invisalign chewie is to eliminate the air space between the Invisalign aligner and the teeth. The chewie provides a more comfortable and efficient method to provide a uniform force to seat the Invisalign aligner properly. We usually give sticks to our patients that are place for a thick plastic.

How to use them

The Invisalign chewie should be used at least twice a day. When the Invisalign aligner is put back in after eating the chewie should be used to bite the Invisalign firmly into position. Position the chewie between your teeth (either ‘longways’ or ‘shortways’ and bite down. Move it from one end of your mouth to the other continuing to bite up and down until you have bitten on it with all of your teeth. Then go back and do it again. It is important that the Invisalign is fully seated onto the tooth so that it can then be effective in moving the teeth. The chewie should be used for at least 20 seconds each time. The chewie is small enough to fit into the case with the Invisalign so it can be carried with you through the day.